About Our Organization

Climate Smart Philipstown is committed to working with the Town and local community to achieve its goal of net-zero emissions.* We believe the drastic reduction of carbon emissions will lead to a healthier, connected, resilient and regenerative community. We will educate and provide resources so that everyone can take action, at whatever level they can. To be successful, it will take all of us working together.
Our Mission
In June, 2017, the Town of Philipstown adopted the state’s Climate Smart Community Pledge,a program created by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, and convened a task force of local community (members)volunteers to help the Town of Philipstown achieve Climate Smart Certification. In 2020 we completed our Greenhouse Gas Emissions report Sink, Store, Reduce, Offset: An innovative GHG inventory and its implications for achieving local carbon neutrality.
In March 2021 we became a bronze certified Climate Smart Community.
Recent Successes
Installation of EV car chargers at Philipstown Town Hall
Creation of Educational Pollinator Garden at Philipstown Town Hall
Food Scrap Recycling Program
Adoption of NY Stretch Code for energy conservation in building construction
Participation in Community Choice Aggregation for clean electricity supply
Enrollment of municipal buildings in Community Solar, saving the town $4K annually
Installation of solar panels on the Rec Center and (soon) the Highway Garage
Current Initiatives
Community campaign in conjunction with the Village of Cold Spring: Clean Heating and Cooling with Electric Heat Pumps
In partnership with Sustainable Putnam:
Offering free Home Clean Energy Consultations with a trained consultant
Providing information to local households on steps they can take now to reduce emissions and move away from fossil fuel powered equipment/appliances
Providing information on financial incentives available through the Inflation Reduction Act as well as NYS and Central Hudson offerings
Supporting the development of a comprehensive solar policy for the Town of Philipstown
Supporting local solar installations on municipal properties, including at Lane Gate landfill
Supporting the move to EV school buses for Haldane and Garrison school districts
Expanding public EV charging options in Philipstown, including a new charging station at Mayor’s Park in Cold Spring
Developing Climate Action Plan for municipal operations, focusing on emissions reductions in the town vehicle fleet and buildings